Tuesday, October 14, 2008

♥ NEW ♥

SO sorry to neglect you oh blog...I do have a NEW blog as well which I will update more often...www.poshpreneur.com

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

*NEW* Diaper & Wipes Clutch

So this is my take on the diaper and wipes clutch...it's a CLUTCH! lol It ties up really nicely with a pretty pink grosgrain ribbon and fits a few diapers, a wipes case (we are working on our covered cases-FYI) and has room for rash cream, too!

The Posh Parent Social Network

I am thrilled to share with you that The Posh Parent Network has launched and we are off to a GREAT start...many thanks to my Co-Founder Jen of Posh Point of View for working with me and making it so pretty and POSH and bringing in her fabulousness!

Join us in this fun and stylish new community and enter to win our giveaways!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

♥ Spring 2009 ♥

Yes, I AM talking about SPRING already! :) We are working on the Spring line! Our Fall/Winter line production hit a few bumps in the road however, we were able to release a few pieces for now...the rest we are re-working and will debut in the Spring! It isn't easy being a one-woman show! I can't even begin to tell you how amazing, fulfilling, exhausting and down right HARD it is to be in business for yourself!

My DH works for a big car company and lucky him, he gets paid hotel nights, paid dinners, paid CAR and GAS...must be nice! (Although I do have to admit that it is nice to ride around in HIS nice car that is FREE! haha)

It will all pay off...it will all pay off...(lol)

In the spare time that I have...I have been working with my lil lady and the States & Capitols...she is in 1st grade and I don't know when they actually learn the states and capitols but, I just saw this 2 year old on t.v. who knew all of them and was thinking...no way! So, we are working on that :) She is also reading very, very well on her own so we encourage that at home.

My son who is 2 1/2 is learning his ABC's and just started to really put sentences together...I mean "real" sentences! It is also nice that he is starting to tell us how he feels...if he is tired or wants to lay down he can communicate that very clearly and seems to understand when we tell him what to do as well!

When I am not being super mama, I am working on The Posh Parent (www.theposhparent.com) and just getting geared up fr our launch Monday!

All is well...chaotic, but well in the world of Tres Couture!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Tres Couture's 1st Award!

I was very plesantly surprised to find an email notifing me that I received an AWARD on Posh Mama! I joined this network for women only back in February when I first moved out here to NY and it has been a blessing to be a part of. I have met a lot of fabulous business women and have been able to help several with their businesses which makes me very happy!

So, here are a few reasons why I was the receipient of this award:

The PM’s who won The Posh Mama Summer 2008 Awards are presented to Posh Mamas who have been nominated by fellow Posh Mama Members who they feel have had a positive impact on our community and viewed as having one or many of the following qualities:

1. Have a Positive Impact on the Posh Mama Community.
2. Is an active participate in the community and discussions.
3. Greets new Posh Mamas and helps them get comfortable.
4. Helps other Posh Mama(s) promote their businesses or other interests.
5. Have received praise from other Posh Mamas for their kindness, support and helpfulness.
6. Referred their Posh Mama friends to join us.
7. Has volunteered their time for special events such as the me.dium shopping tours.
8. Brings new and interesting topics to the discussion forums.
9. Is an ambassador of the TOS and Privacy Policy set forth by Posh Mama Media, LLC.
10. Is committed to living a healthy and happy life and helping others in need.

and here it is!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

♥ Customer Feedback ♥

Nothing encourages me more than when customers send me emails about their purchases from TC. This particular customer is from Canada and found me on Etsy.

"Hi Again! Thanks so much for fixing the listing so I could buy this dress...I'm sure this dress is special to you, but I have to tell you just how perfect it is for my daughter! My husband's favourite colour is black; we've collected antique keys for years (they're all over our house), and since my husband and I are from different ethnic origins we've always talked about our daughter as being a zebra(the black and white stipes symbolizing the mixing of the two cultures). You can't imagine my disbelief when I found your listing for that dress while surfing Etsy late one night this week. It's too perfect!!! And since she's not yet two years old, I'm certain that this will become one of her most treasured items to wear for years to come. "

Here are a few pictures she sent me of her darling little one wearing the dress

I am very excited to bring the "Style me Gorgeous" dress back this Spring 2009 in new colors! Keep an eye out!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

♥ NEW clothing...♥

I have been working on a new line of clothing for a while now...finally, I found fabrics and styles that I LOVE! I hope that you enjoy what I have come up with! These are very rough draft images so excuse the mess but I was so excited to share this with you!

So, tell me what you think! I will be posting them on the site once I can edit the photos and list all the available colors/patterns!

XOXO, Clarissa